Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cereal...sort of...

Rice Cereal is gross... seriously gross and I haven't even tasted it... just the smell is enough for me and especially the smell after your kid spits it back up an hour later, Ick.

Eli started "eating" rice cereal this week after his doctor's appointment. I thought he would be totally into solid food and he was the first night when everyone at Mom & Dad's house was cheering for him, smiling at him and clapping for him. Since then when it is just us eating cereal at home he is extremely uninterested and makes some of the most awful faces in the world when we put the cereal in his mouth. I unfortunately haven't gotten the camera out for those feedings yet, but hopefully I will remember soon.

The one feeding that he liked cereal...

I plan to keep trying for a few more days and if he is still very aversive to it giving him a week off and then trying again. He has to come around to the stuff eventually...right?

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