Sunday, August 1, 2010


Elijah loves Gymboree Play & Music and I love getting out of the house and having something to do each week. The class is simple and laid back because the kids are all under 6 months so there doesn't have to be much going on to keep their interest and we don't have to chase them around yet, like the older classes. Eli LOVES to see the other babies and generally would rather look at them and talk to them than me. It makes me feel better about taking to daycare because I really think he will enjoy seeing other babies. He also likes tummy time, bubbles and the parachute. The parachute is a definite favorite, although I am not sure if it is all the movement and colors or the nice breeze that the parachute makes as it moves that fascinates him, but something does. I am hoping to keep going to a Gymboree class once a month after I start back to school, but the only one we can make is a 9am on Saturdays and I am not sure that is going to sound like a good idea for too long.

Tummy Time with balls and a mirror!

How cute is that kid, seriously?

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